718!!!! Ovi Now Sits Alone At 6th All Time In Goals!!!!!






What else can you say about him. He's just unbelievable. 718 now. Alone at 6th all time in goals. And for my money, the greatest goal scorer of all time. He's not scoring on guys that are 5'6, 140 pounds. He's scoring on goalies who train around the clock, wearing the biggest equipment, who understand how to cut off an angle. Pretty sure nobody was doing that until like…1994. Man, goalies used to be SO BAD. Next up- 5th overall, 731 goals. Maybe this year? Maybe? If he stays hot. So fun to watch. Man. Never leave us.

Also in the game the Great 8 also became just the 35th player to ever notch 1,300 career points.




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